Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why Surface Ozone Should be Studied

            Whether it’s something that we really notice, or something we haven’t even heard of- surface level ozone is a very important factor in our everyday lives and is definitely something that needs to be studied. Without a full understanding of ozone- what it is, how it works, how it affects us, etc. Ozone is found in two regions of the Earth's atmosphere – at ground level and in the upper regions of the atmosphere. Both types of ozone have the same chemical composition (O3). While upper atmospheric ozone protects the earth from the sun's harmful rays, ground level ozone is the main component of smog. Ozone can reach really unhealthy levels on hot sunny days in urban environments; transported long distances by wind. Because of this, even rural areas can experience high ozone levels. The formation of ozone can be caused by: emissions from industrial facilities and electric utilities, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemicals solvents. Ozone isn’t emitted directly into the air- but it is created by chemical reactions caused by these things. It helps us because it screens out most of the sun’s harmful ultra violet rays- but it definitely also comes with some risks. There are some people who are even more sensitive to these risks: those with lung disease, children, older adults, and people who are active outdoors. Children are at such a great risk because their lungs aren’t completely developed, and they are likely to be active outdoors when ozone levels are high. Ozone also affects: forests, parks, wildlife refuges and wilderness areas.

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